Kristoffer Ørum (b. 1975)
Kristoffer Ørum is a Danish artist born in 1975. His practice revolves around the digital spheres, within which we interact and construct our identities. His main focus has been twisting the algorithms in our everyday lives to make visible the power and impact they have gained. Ørum has studied at Goldsmiths, University of London, and graduated with an MFA from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in 2006. He was professor at the Funen Academy of Art during the period 2012–2015 and, from 2015–2018, he worked as an artistic researcher at Uncertain Archives, Copenhagen University.
Ørum has shown his works at Bästa Biennalen in Ystad (SE), Anti Festival in Kuopio (FI), Fung Wah Biennale at Flux Factory (US), Baltimore Convention Center (US), Arts University Bournemouth (UK), Vejle Kunstmuseum (DK), Gammelgaard (DK), SixtyEight Art Institute (DK), Mønstings Hus (DK), Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek (DK), Overgaden (DK), Medicinsk Museion (DK), Galleri Bo Bjerggaard (DK), the Black Diamond (DK), Copenhagen Art Week (DK), and the National Museum of Denmark (DK).